
发布时间:2021-12-15文章来源: 浏览次数:








联系地址:保定市乐凯南大街2596 河北农业大学西校区



    袁晨,博士,讲师,硕士生导师,河北省畜牧兽医学会传染病分会成员。2014年河北科技师范学院动物医学专业毕业获学士学位,2017年扬州大学预防兽医学专业毕业获硕士学位,2021年南京农业大学基础兽医学专业毕业获博士学位;同年9月作为引进人才入职欧亿6蓝狮注册。主要研究方向:动物传染病致病机制和动物黏膜免疫。目前在Nature CommunicationsVeterinary ResearchVirology等期刊发表SCI论文15篇,其中以第一作者和共同第一作者发表SCI论文10篇,中文核心期刊1篇,主持河北农业大学引进人才科研专项1项,完成江苏省研究生科研创新项目1项,参与完成国家自然科学基金项目2项、省级项目1项。


  1. Chen Yuan, Yuxin Jin, Yuchen Li, En Zhang, Penghao Zhang, Qian Yang. PEDV infection in neonatal piglets through the nasal cavity is mediated by subepithelial CD3+ T Cells [J]. Veterinary Research, 2021, 52(1):26.

  2. Chen Yuan, Yuchen Li, En Zhang, Yuxin Jin, Qian Yang. The Mechanism of PEDV-Carrying CD3+ T Cells Migrate into the Intestinal Mucosa of Neonatal Piglets [J]. Viruses. 2021, 13(3), 469.

  3. Chen Yuan, Xintong Huang, Ruiyu Zhai, Yichao Ma, Anyuan Xu, Penghao Zhang, Qian Yang. Antiviral activity of salinomycin against porcine epidemic diarrhea virus. Viruses. 2021; 13(4):580

  4. Liqian Zhu§, Chen Yuan§, Xiuyan Ding, Clinton Jones, Guoqiang Zhu. The role of phospholipase C signaling in bovine herpesvirus 1 infection [J]. Veterinary Research. 2017, 48(1):45.

  5. Liqian Zhu§, Chen Yuan§, Liyuan Huang, Xiuyan Ding, Jianye wang, Dong Zhang, Guoqiang Zhu. The activation of p38MAPK and JNK pathways in bovine herpesvirus 1 infected MDBK cells [J]. Veterinary Research. 2016, 22:47:91.

  6. Chen Yuan, Penghao Zhang, Yuxin Jin, Qian Yang. Single-Blinded Study Highlighting the Differences between the Small Intestines of Neonatal and Weaned Piglets[J]. Animals, 2021, 11(2):271.

  7. Yuan Chen, Zhang En, Huang Lulu, Wang Jialu, Yang Qian. Oral administration of inactivated porcine epidemic diarrhea virus activate DCs in porcine Peyer’s patches [J]. BMC Veterinary Research. 2018, 14(1):239.

  8. Yuchen Li, Qingxin Wu, Lulu Huang, Chen Yuan, Jialu Wang & Qian Yang. An alternative pathway of enteric PEDV dissemination from nasal cavity to intestinal mucosa in swine[J]. Nature communications. 2018, 3811.

  9. Liqian Zhu§, Chen Yuan§, Xiuyan Ding, Shuai Xu, Yuying Liang*, Qiyun Zhu*, PLC-gamma1 is involved in the inflammatory response induced by influenza A virus H1N1 infection [J]. Virology. 2016, 496:131-137.

  10. Liqian Zhu§, Chen Yuan§, Yan Ma, Xiuyan Ding, Guoqiang Zhu, & Qiyun Zhu. Anti-inflammatory activities of phospholipase c inhibitor u73122: inhibition of monocyte-to-macrophage transformation and lps-induced pro-inflammatory cytokine expression [J]. International Immunopharmacology. 2015, 29; 622–627.

  11. Chen Yuan, XiaoTian Fu, Liyuan Huang, Yan Ma, Xiuyan Ding, Liqian Zhu*, Guoqiang Zhu*. The synergistic antiviral effects of GSH in combination with acyclovir against BHV-1 infection in vitro [J]. Acta virologica. 2016, 60(3):328-32.




