
发布时间:2019-05-10文章来源: 浏览次数:




·职称:教授 博士生导师











1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,天然沙门氏菌DNA回旋酶的制备及其分子识别机制研究,主持人,在研(2024-2027)。

2. 河北省自然科学基金面上项目,天然雌激素受体的制备及分子识别机制研究,主持人,在研(2023-2025)。

3. 河北省自然科学基金重点项目,动物性食品中兽药广谱识别性受体的制备及体外进化,主持人,完成。

4. 国家自然科学青年基金项目,基于PAL-ABPP探针的四环素受体的制备及其分子识别机制研究,第三参与人,完成。

5. 河北省重点研发计划项目,基于分子印迹聚合物的重要兽药残留防控关键技术开发与应用,第二参与人,完成。

6. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,兽药重组scFv抗体的分子识别机制及双特异性scFv抗体研究,主持人,完成。

7. 河北省自然科学基金项目,动物性食品中兽药残留的新型离子液体提取剂研究,主持人,完成。

8. 河北省科技支撑计划项目,畜禽产品中兽药/非法添加物的多残留检测产品研发,第二参与人,完成。

9. 河北省科技支撑计划项目,食品动物及其产品中违禁药物快速检测技术研究,第二参与人,完成。


1. 动物性食品中重要危害因子快速检测技术与应用,河北省科技进步一等奖,第二完成人,2018

2. 畜禽产品中危害因子识别关键技术集成与应用,河南省科技进步二等奖,第三完成人,2018

3. 五类兽药残留控制关键技术开发与应用,河北省山区创业二等奖,第一完成人,2017

4. 青霉素、四环素、氟喹诺酮类兽药残留快速检测技术石家庄市科技进步三等奖,第三完成人,2014

5. 无抗畜禽产品监测技术研究与应用,邯郸市山区创业一等奖,第三完成人,2014

6. 畜禽饲料中硝基呋喃类药物快速检测技术研究,保定市科技进步二等奖,第一完成人,2013

7. 四种兽用违禁药物残留快速检测技术,河北省科技进步三等奖,第三完成人,2012


1.  一种氯霉素的特异性检测的化学发光试剂盒、检测方法及应用,ZL201810911433.0,第一发明人,授权时间202111月。

2. 一种金刚烷胺和金刚乙胺的特异性分子印迹聚合物、化学发光试剂盒、检测方法及应用,ZL201810911435.X,第一发明人,授权时间20219

3.  一种四环素类药物的化学发光盒及该类药物检测方法,ZL201810912458.2,第发明人,授权时间202111

4. 一种吩噻嗪类药物族特异性的分子印迹聚合物和化学发光试剂盒及检测方法,ZL201810226867.7,第一发明人,授权时间202011


1. 作为第一指导教师指导的作品广谱特异性酶联免疫吸附法多残留检测鸡蛋中对位红和苏丹红染料获得2011年河北省大学生课外学术科技作品竞赛特等奖,并获同名赛事全国三等奖。

2. 作为第一指导教师指导的作品食品中苏丹红类染料多残留免疫检测技术研究获得2013年河北省大学生课外学术科技作品竞赛特等奖,并获同名赛事全国二等奖。

3. 作为第一指导教师指导的作品基于分子印迹聚合物和石墨烯的提取技术在兽药残留检测中的应用获得2017年河北省大学生课外学术科技作品竞赛特等奖,并获同名赛事全国三等奖

4. 作为第一指导教师指导的作品基于CADD-MIP的五类危害因子化学发光检测法获得2019年河北省大学生课外学术科技作品竞赛特等奖,并获同名赛事全国三等奖

5. 独立指导研究生毕业19人。其中10获得研究生国家奖学金5人的毕业论文被评为河北省优秀硕士学位论文3人被评为河北省优秀毕业生,1人被评为河北省三好学生


1. Tong He, Peng Lei Cui, Shuai Zhang, Yu Hang Fan, Qiu Shi Jin, Jian Ping Wang*. Evolution of a dihydropteroate synthase and development of a signal-amplified fluorescence polarization assay for detection of sulfonamides in pork. Food Chemistry X, 2023, 19, 100867. (中科院一区)

2. Zu Qiang Jiang, Lei Zhang, Cui Juan Lan, Jian Ping Wang*. Development of a progesterone receptor based pseudo immunoassay for multi-detection of progestins in milk and studying its recognition mechanism. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2023, 71(46), 17959-17967.  (中科院一区TOP)

3. Jia Jia Hu, Ning Ma, Ning Peng Wu, Jian Ping Wang*. Production of AmpC β-lactamase and development of a competitive array for discriminative determination of cephalosporins in milk. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2023, 71(48), 19111-19120.  (中科院一区TOP)

4. Qiushi Jin, Yuhang Fan, Tong He, Junling Peng, Jing Liu*, Jian Ping Wang*. Fluorescence polarization assay based on a new recognition motif QepA for the one-step detection of fluoroquinolones in eggs. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2023, 71(49), 19749-19759. (中科院一区TOP)

5. Wan Qiu Xia, Jing Liu, Jian Ping Wang*. Evolution of a natural TetR protein and development of a Fe3O4 assisted semi-homogeneous fluorescent method for determination of tetracyclines in milk. Analytica Chimica Acta, 2023, 1276, 341609. (中科院二区TOP)

6. Wan Qiu Xia, Su Han Wang, Yin Liang Wu, Jian Ping Wang*. Synthesis of magnetic molecularly imprinted microsphere and development of an enhanced semi-homogeneous method for detection of pentachlorophenol in fish. Microchemical Journal, 2023, 189,108512. (中科院二区TOP)

7. Su Han Wang, Jian Ping Wang*, Ning Peng Wu. Determination of 35 sulfonamides in pork by magnetic molecularly imprinted polymer based dispersive solid phase extraction and ultra performance liquid chromatography photodiode array method. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 2023, 103, 1954-1963. (中科院二区)

8. Wan Qiu Xia, Lei Zhang, Jian Ping Wang*. Production of ribosomal protein S12/renilla luciferase fusion and development of a bioluminescent method for detection of aminoglycosides in pork and studying its recognition mechanism. Foods, 2023, 12, 284. (中科院二区)

9. Yan Su, Ge Lin Liu, Hao Zhe Hou, Yao Jia Peng, Jian Ping Wang*. Development of a magnetic molecularly imprinted microsphere based signal amplified semi-homogeneous method for multidetection of 5 progestins in milk. Foods, 2023, 12, 2818. (中科院二区)

10. Hao Zhe Hou, Yan Su, Ge Lin Liu, Yao Jia Peng, Jian Ping Wang*. Determination of niclosamide and its two metabolites in fish by molecularly imprinted microsphere based pseudo ELISA. Food Additives & Contaminants: Part A, 2023, 40(11), 1450-1458.

11. Tong He, Jing Liu, Jian Ping Wang*. Evolution of a natural dihydropteroate synthase and development of a signal amplified fluorescence method for detection of 44 sulfonamides in milk. Analytica Chimica Acta, 2022, 1234, 340481. (中科院一区TOP)

12. Tong He, Peng Lei Cui, Jing Liu, Cheng Feng, Jian Ping Wang*. Production of a natural dihydropteroate synthase and development of a signal amplified pseudo immunoassay for determination of sulfonamides in pork. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2022, 70, 3023-3032. (中科院一区TOP)

13. Wan Qiu Xia, Jing Liu, Jian Ping Wang* Identification and evolution of a natural TetR protein based on molecular docking and development of a fluorescence polarization assay for multi-detection of 10 tetracyclines in milk. Foods, 11, 3850. (中科院二区)

14. Wan Qiu Xia, Lei Zhang, Jian Ping Wang*. Development of a fluorescence polarization assay for multi-determination of 10 aminoglycosides in pork muscle sample based on ribosomal protein S12 and studying its recognition mechanism. Foods, 2022, 11, 3196. (中科院二区)

15. Su Han Wang, Xiao Huan Zang, Shuai Hua Zhang, Jian Ping Wang*. Determination of benzimidazoles in beef by molecularly imprinted boron nitride composite based dispersive solid phase microextraction and ultra performance liquid chromatography. Microchemical Journal, 2022, 179, 107523. (中科院二区)

16. Su Han Wang, Ning Ma, Shuai Hua Zhang, Xiao Huan Zang, Jian Ping Wang*, Ning Peng Wu. Determination of fluoroquinolones in meat by molecularly imprinted graphitic carbon nitride based solid phase extraction and ultra performance liquid chromatography. Food Additives and Contaminants: Part A, 2022, 36, 1767-1774.

17. Tong He, Jing Liu, Jian Ping Wang*. Development of a dihydropteroate synthase based fluorescence polarization assay for detection of sulfonamides and studying its recognition mechanism. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2021, 69(46), 13953-13963. (中科院一区TOP)

18. Ping Ping Li, Lei Zhang, Jian Ping Wang*. Study on the residue depletion of febrifugine and isofebrifugine in broiler chicken. Poultry Science, 2021, 100(10), 101390. (中科院二区TOP)

19. Wan Qiu Xia, Peng Lei Cui, Jian Ping Wang*, Jing Liu. Synthesis of photoaffinity labeled activity-based protein profiling probe and production of natural TetR protein for immunoassay of tetracyclines in milk, Microchemical Journal, 2021, 170, 106779. (中科院二区)

20. Teng Zhang, Lei Zhang, Ju Xiang Liu, Jian Ping Wang*, Ning Peng Wu. Development of a molecularly imprinted microspheres-based microplate fluorescence method for detection of amantadine and rimantadine in chicken. Food Additives and Contaminants: Part A, 2021, 38 (7), 1136-1147.

21. Bing Jie Jia, Min Lin, Jian Ping Wang*, Ning Peng Wu. Synthesis of molecularly imprinted microspheres and development of a fluorescence method for detection of chloramphenicol in meat, Luminescence, 2021, 36, 1767–1774.

22. Yi Cai, Xin He, Peng Lei Cui, Wan Zhe Yuan, Jian Ping Wang*, Jing Liu. Molecularly imprinted microspheres based multiplexed fluorescence method for simultaneous detection of benzimidazoles and pyrethroids in meat samples. Food Chemistry, 2020, 319, 126539. (中科院二区TOP)

23. Zhao Bin Li, Peng Lei Cui, Jing Liu, Ju Xiang Liu, Jian Ping Wang*. Production of generic monoclonal antibody and development of chemiluminescence immunoassay for determination of 32 sulfonamides in chicken muscle. Food Chemistry, 2020, 311, 125966. (中科院二区TOP)

24. Ning Ma, Cheng Feng, Ping Qu, Ge Wang, Jing Liu, Ju Xiang Liu, Jian Ping Wang*. Determination of tetracyclines in chicken by dispersive solid phase microextraction based on metal-organic frameworks/molecularly imprinted nano-polymer and ultra performance liquid chromatography. Food Analytical Methods. 2020, 13, 1211–1219. (中科院JCR二区)

25. Jing Jie Huang, Jing Liu, Ju Xiang Liu, Jian Ping Wang*. A microtiter chemiluminescence sensor for detection of pyrethroids based on dual-dummy-template molecularly imprinted polymer and computational simulation. Luminescence, 2020, 35(1), 120-128.

26. Yi Cai, Xin He, Peng Lei Cui, Jing Liu, Zhao Bin Li, Bing Jie Jia, Teng Zhang, Jian Ping Wang *, Wan Zhe Yuan. Preparation of a chemiluminescence sensor for multi-detection of benzimidazoles in meat based on molecularly imprinted polymer. Food Chemistry. 2019, 280, 103-109. (中科院二区TOP)

27. Tong He, Geng Nan Wang, Ju Xiang Liu, Wei Li Zhao, Jing Jie Huang, Ming Xin Xu, Jian Ping Wang*, Jing Liu. Dummy molecularly imprinted polymer based microplate chemiluminescence sensor for one-step detection of Sudan dyes in egg. Food Chemistry, 2019, 288, 347-353. (中科院二区TOP)

28. Bing Jie Jia, Xin He, Peng Lei Cui, Ju Xiang Liu, Jian Ping Wang*. Detection of chloramphenicol in meat with a chemiluminescence resonance energy transfer platform based on molecularly imprinted graphene. Analytica Chimica Acta, 2019, 1063, 136-143. (中科院二区)

29. Zhao Bin Li, Jing Liu, Ju Xiang Liu, Zhan Hui Wang, Jian Ping Wang*. Determination of sulfonamides in meat with dummy-template molecularly imprinted polymer based chemiluminescence sensor. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 2019, 2019, 411, 3179-3189.

30. Ge Wang, Wan Qiu Xia, Ju Xiang Liu, Jian Ping Wang*, Jing Liu. Directional evolution of TetR protein and development of a fluoroimmunoassay for screening of tetracyclines in egg. Microchemical Journal. 2019, 150, 104184

31. Ge Wang, Geng Nan Wang, Jian Ping Wang*. A graphene-based chemiluminescence resonance energy transfer homogeneous immunoassay for detection of phenothiazines in pig urine. Microchemical Journal. 2019, 147, 150-156.

32. Ge Wang, Hui Cai Zhang, Jing Liu, Jian Ping Wang *. A receptor-based chemiluminescence enzyme linked immunosorbent assay for determination of tetracyclines in milk. Analytical Biochemistry, 2019, 564/565, 40-46.

33. Jia Bing Jie, Huang Jun, Liu Ju Xiang, Jian Ping Wang *. Detection of chloramphenicol in chicken, pork and fish with a molecularly imprinted polymer based microtiter chemiluminescence method. Food Additives and Contaminants: Part A. 2019, 36(1), 73-84.

34. Wan Qiu Xia, Hui Cai Zhang, Geng Nan Wang, Jing Liu, Jian Ping Wang *. A molecularly imprinted polymer based chemiluminescence array sensor for one-step determination of phenothiazines and benzodiazepines in pig urine. Luminescence, 2019, 34(1), 98-105.

35. Zu Qiang Jiang, Hui Cai Zhang, Xin Ying Zhang, Jian Ping Wang *. Determination of tetracyclines in milk with molecularly imprinted polymer based microtiter chemiluminescence sensor. Analytical Letters. 2019, 52, 1315-1327.

36. Ming Xin Xu, Wei Li Zhao, Jing Liu, Tong He, Jing Jie Huang, Jian Ping Wang *. Determination of β-Agonists in porcine urine by molecularly imprinted polymer based chemiluminescence. Analytical Letters, 2019, 52(11), 1771-1787.

37. Xin Ying Zhang, Ju Xiang Liu, Zu Qiang Jiang, Jian Ping Wang *. Molecularly imprinted polymer based chemiluminescence method for detection of nitrofurans. Australian Journal of Chemistry, 2019, 72, 375-382.

38. Wan Qiu Xia, Jun Huang, Geng Nan Wang, Jing Liu, Jian Ping Wang *. Molecularly imprinted polymer based microtiter chemiluminescence array for determination of phenothiazines and benzodiazepines in pork. Analytical Biochemistry. 2018, 554, 9-15.

39. Teng Zhang, Jing Liu, Jian Ping Wang *. Preparation of molecularly imprinted polymer based chemiluminescence sensor for determination of amantadine and rimantadine in meat. Analytical Methods, 2018, 10, 5025-5031.

40. Wan Qiu Xia, Peng Lei Cui, Geng Nan Wang, Jing Liu, Jian Ping Wang *. Application of dual-template molecularly imprinted polymer based solid phase extraction for determination of phenothiazines and benzodiazepines in swine feed. Analytical Methods. 2018, 10, 3001-3010.

41. Yi Ping Song, Nan Li, Hui Cai Zhang, Ju Xiang Liu, Geng Nan Wang, Jing Liu, Jian Ping Wang *. Dummy template molecularly imprinted polymer combining high performance liquid chromatography for determination of phenothiazines in meat. Food Chemistry. 2017, 233, 422-428. (中科院二区TOP)

42. Xin He, Geng Nan Wang, Kun Yang, Hui Zhi Liu, Xia Jun Wu, Jian Ping Wang *. Magnetic graphene dispersive solid phase extraction combining high performance liquid chromatography for determination of fluoroquinolones in foods. Food Chemistry. 2017, 221, 1226-1231. (中科院二区TOP)

43. Yi Ping Song, Lei Zhang, Geng Nan Wang, Ju Xiang Liu, Jing Liu, Jian Ping Wang *. Dual-dummy-template molecularly imprinted polymer combining ultra performance liquid chromatography for determination of fluoroquinolones and sulfonamides in pork and chicken muscle. Food Control. 2017, 82, 233-242. (中科院二区)

44. Geng Nan Wang, Ning Peng Wu, Xin He, Hui Cai Zhang, Jing Liu, Jian Ping Wang *. Magnetic graphene dispersive solid phase extraction-ultra performance liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry for determination of β-agonists in urine. Journal of Chromatography B. 2017, 1067, 18-24.

45. Geng Nan Wang, Lei Zhang, Yi Ping Song, Ju Xiang Liu, Jian Ping Wang *. Application of molecularly imprinted polymer based matrix solid phase dispersion for determination of fluoroquinolones, tetracyclines and sulfonamides in meat. Journal of Chromatography B, 2017, 1065/1066, 104-111.

46. Kun Yang, Geng Nan Wang, Hui Zhi Liu, Jing Liu, Jian Ping Wang *. Preparation of dual-template molecularly imprinted polymer coated stir bar based on computational simulation for detection of fluoroquinolones in meat. Journal of Chromatography B. 2017, 1046, 65-72.

47. Fang Shu Shi, Lei Zhang, Wan Qiu Xia, Jing Liu, Hui Cai Zhang, Jian Ping Wang *. Production and evolution of a ScFv antibody for immunoassay of residual phenothiazine drugs in meat based on computational simulation. Analytical Methods. 2017, 9, 4455-4463.

48. Xia Jun Wu, Geng Nan Wang, Kun Yang, Hui Zhi Liu, Jian Ping Wang *. Determination of Tetracyclines in Milk by Graphene-Based Solid-Phase Extraction and High-Performance Liquid Chromatography. Analytical Letters. 2017, 50(4), 1-10.

49. Jian Ping Wang, Jun Dong, Chang Fei Duan, Hui Cai Zhang, Xin He, Geng Nan Wang, Guo Xian Zhao, Jing Liu. Production and directional evolution of anti-sarafloxacin ScFv antibody for immunoassay of fluoroquinolones in milk. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 2016, 64 (42), 7957-7965. (中科院一区TOP)

50. Meng Xiao Feng, Geng Nan Wang, Kun Yang, Hui Zhi Liu, Jian Ping Wang *. Molecularly imprinted polymer-high performance liquid chromatography for the determination of tetracycline drugs in animal derived foods. Food Control. 2016, 69, 171-176. (中科院二区)

51. Fang Shu Shi, Jing Liu, Lei Zhang, Ju Xiang Liu, Jian Ping Wang *. Development of an enzyme linked immunosorbent assay for the determination of phenothiazine drugs in meat and animal feeds. Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part B. 2016, 51(10), 715-721.

52. Geng Nan Wang, Kun Yang, Hui Zhi Liu, Meng Xiao Feng, Jian Ping Wang *. Molecularly imprinted polymer-based solid phase extraction combined high performance liquid chromatography for determination of fluoroquinolones in milk. Analytical Methods. 2016, 8, 5511-5518.

53. Jing Liu, Hui Cai Zhang, Chang Fei Duan, Jun Dong, Guo Xian Zhao, Jian Ping Wang *, Nan Li, Jin Z Liu, and Yu W Li. Production of anti-amoxicillin ScFv antibody and simulation studying its molecular recognition mechanism for penicillins. Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part B. 2016, 51(11), 742-750.

54. Geng Nan Wang, Hui Cai Zhang, Cheng Feng, Ying Qun Zhang, Lei Zhang, Jian Ping Wang *. Determination of fluoroquinolone drugs in meat by ionic liquid dispersive liquid-liquid microextraction-high performance liquid chromatography. Analytical methods. 2015, 7, 1046-1052.

55. Yong Hua Qi, Hui Cai Zhang, Rui Tao Xu, Jin Liu, Lei Zhang, Jian Ping Wang *. Immunoassay of red dyes based on the monoclonal antibody of β-naphthol. Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part B. 2015, 50(9), 645-653.

56. Wen Chong Shan, Ya Li Cui, Xin He, Lei Zhang, Jing Liu, Jian Ping Wang *. Production of the monoclonal antibody against clonazepam for immunoassay of benzodiazepine drugs in swine tissues. Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part B. 2015, 50(1), 15-22.  

57. Bao Long Gao, Jing Liu, Li Xue Dong, Lei Zhang, Jian Hua Qin, Jian Ping Wang *. Broad specific enzyme linked immunosorbent assay for determination of residual phenothiazine drugs in swine tissues. Analytical Biochemistry. 2014, 454, 7-13.

58. Jiao Song, Zhen Hong Zhang, Ying Qun Zhang, Cheng Feng, Geng Nan Wang, Jian Ping Wang *. Ionic liquid dispersive liquid-liquid microextraction combined with high performance liquid chromatography for determination of tetracycline drugs in eggs. Analytical methods. 2014, 6 (16), 6459-6466.

59. Jing Liu, Bao Long Gao, Lei Zhang, Jian Hua Qin, Jian Ping Wang *. Synthesis of Novel Hapten and Production of the Generic Monoclonal Antibody for Phenothiazine Drugs. Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part B. 2014, 49, 324-330.  

60. Ju Xiang Liu, Li Li Wang, Jing Liu, Jian Ping Wang *. Development of an indirect competitive immunoassay for determination of L-hydroxyproline in milk. Food and Agricultural Immunology. 2014, 25(2), 243-255.  

61. Feng Gao, Qi Di Zhang, Zhen Hong Zhang, Xiao Dong Yan, Hui Cai Zhang, Jian Ping Wang*. Residue depletion of nifuroxazide in broiler chicken. Journal of the science of food and agriculture. 2013, 93, 2172-2178.  

62. Yan Z Liu, Guo X Zhao, Jing Liu, Hui C Zhang, Ping Wang, Jian Ping Wang*. Synthesis of novel haptens against ciprofloxacin and production of generic monoclonal antibodies for immunoscreening of fluoroquinolones in meat. Journal of the science of food and agriculture. 2013, 93, 1370-1377.  

63. Jian Kang Zhang, Yong Hua Qi, Ju Xiang Liu, Jian Ping Wang *. Heterologous Immunoassay for Screening Macrolide Antibiotics Residues in Milk based on the Monoclonal Antibody of Tylosin. Food and Agricultural Immunology. 2013, 24(4), 419-431.

64. Sai Nan Jiao, Ping Wang, Guo Xian Zhao, Hui Cai Zhang, Jing Liu, Jian Ping Wang *. Synthesis of novel hapten and production of generic monoclonal antibody for immunoassay of penicillins residues in milk. Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part B. 2013, 48, 486-494.  

65. Yan Zheng Liu, Guo Xian Zhao, Ping Wang, Jing Liu, Hui Cai Zhang, Jian Ping Wang *. Production of the broad specific monoclonal antibody against sarafloxacin for rapid immunoscreening of 12 fluoroquinolones in meat. Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part B. 2013, 48, 139-146.

66. Feng Gao, Guo Xian Zhao, Hui Cai Zhang, Ping Wang, Jian Ping Wang*. Production of monoclonal antibody against doxycycline for immunoassay of seven tetracyclines in bovine muscle and milk. Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part B. 2013, 48, 92-100.  

67. Li Li Wang, Ju Xiang Liu, Jing Liu, Jian Ping Wang*. Synthesis of hapten and production of a monoclonal antibody against a derivative of L-hydroxyproline, a special amino acid in hydrolyzed animal protein. Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part B. 2013, 48, 9-15.  

68. Yong Hua Qi, Wen Chong Shan, Yan Zheng Liu, Yu Jie Zhang , Jian Ping Wang *. Production of the Polyclonal Antibody against Sudan 3 and Immunoassay of Sudan Dyes in Food Samples. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 2012, 60, 2116-2122. (中科院一区TOP)

69. Wen Chong Shan, Jian Zhong Xi, Jie Sun, Yu Jie Zhang, Jian Ping Wang*. Production of the monoclonal antibody against Sudan 4 for multi-immunoassay of Sudan dyes in egg. Food Control. 2012, 27(1), 146-152. (中科院二区)

70. Jing Liu, Hui Cai Zhang, Dong Sheng Zhang, Feng Gao, Jian Ping Wang*. Production of the monoclonal antibody against Sudan 2 for immunoassay of Sudan dyes in egg. Analytical Biochemistry. 2012, 423(2), 246-252.

71. Jian Kang Zhang, Ju Xiang Liu, Li Li Wang, Lin Chai, Jian Ping Wang *. Production of the monoclonal antibody against tylosin for immunoassay of macrolide antibiotics in milk. Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part B. 2012, 47, 876-882.

72. Sai Nan Jiao, Liu Jing, Yi Fen Zhang, Guo Xian Zhao, Jian Ping Wang*. Preparation of a Bi-hapten Antigen and the Broad-specific Antibody for Simultaneous Immunoassay of Penicillins and Tetracyclines in Milk. Food and Agricultural Immunology. 2012, 23(3), 273-287.  

73. Xiao Dong Yan, Xiu Zhi Hu, Hui Cai Zhang, Jing Liu, Jian Ping Wang*. Direct determination of furaltadone metabolite, 3-amino-5-morpholinomethyl-2-oxazolidinone, in meats by a simple immunoassay. Food and Agricultural Immunology. 2012, 23(3), 203-215.  

74. Xiao Dong Yan, Li Jing Zhang, Jian Ping Wang *. Residue Depletion of Nitrovin in Chicken after Oral Administration. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 2011, 59 (7), 3414–3419.  (中科院一区TOP)

75. Xiang Cai Chang, Xiu Zhi Hu, Yan Qin Li, Yan Jiao Shang, Yan Zheng Liu, Gao Feng, Jian Ping Wang*, Multi-determination of Para Red and Sudan dyes in egg by a broad-specific antibody based enzyme linked immunosorbent assay, Food Control. 2011, 22, 1770-1775. (中科院二区)

76. Yong Ben Zhong, Li Jing Zhang , Hui Cai Zhang , Ju Xiang Liu , Jian Ping Wang *. Immunoaffinity-based solid phase extraction for the determination of melamine in aminal-derived foods followed by liquid chromatography. Chromatographia. 2011, 73(11-12), 1211-1215

77. Jun Li, Jing Liu, Hui-Cai Zhang, Hui Li, Jian-Ping Wang *. Broad specificity indirect competitive immunoassay for determination of nitrofurans in animal feeds. Analytical Chemical ACTA. 2010, 678, 1-6. (中科院二区)

78. Juxiang Liu, Yongben Zhong, Jing Liu, Huicai Zhang, Jianzhong Xi, Jianping Wang *. An enzyme linked immunosorbent assay for the determination of cyromazine and melamine residues in animal muscle tissues. Food control. 2010, 21, 1482-1487. (中科院二区)

79. Jun Li, Juxiang Liu, Jianping Wang*. Multidetermination of Four Nitrofurans in Animal Feeds by a Sensitive and Simple Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 2009, 57, 2181-2185.  (中科院一区TOP)

